Music is a wonderful thing with so many who have contributed and changed it forever. From Motzart and Bach to Elvis Presley and The Beatels to Talor Swift and Will Smith it has changed and evolved and grown over such a long time and it is a magical thing that will never stop growing and evolving it would be like asking the world to stop spining or dogs and cats to stop hating each other. So enjoy music and love it forever!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Ok so Mary's Music Box is about music it can be any kind from any where as long as it isn't dirty or about anything dirty. You may ask why I would do this, well the simple reason is that a lot of music is not ohh how can I put this..... REALLY REALLY BAD. It isn't good when 13 year olds are listening to this stuff it is just perverted and in my opion grows. Well on a less serious note I would like you to put what you think is a good song NO CUSE WORDS OR SONGS ABOUT STUFF THAT ADULTS DO.
         - Yours ab

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